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Aug 06, 2024

Be Well Communities Publish Tobacco Prevention Program Results

We are thrilled to announce the publication of Be Well Communities' article discussing the results of Lee College's three-year, multi-level tobacco prevention and control program. This program was implemented at Lee College, a minority-serving institution (MSI) on the Texas Gulf Coast.

The program focused on creating a tobacco-free campus environment by adopting a comprehensive tobacco-free policy, a large-scale communication campaign and integrating prevention and cessation resources into campus culture. Over the span of three years, the community has largely supported the tobacco-free policy, awareness of the policy has increased, and tobacco prevention and cessation resources have become a part of campus norms.

Read the article to learn more about how Lee College effectively engaged its students and staff and the program's potential impact on future tobacco prevention initiatives in higher education.

Congratulations to Lee College and the Be Well Communities team!

Article: 'Implementation and Evaluation of a Multi-level, Place-Based Tobacco Prevention and Control Program at a Minority-Serving Institution in Texas.' Prevention Science.