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Join the Tobacco-Free Movement

The Eliminate Tobacco Use Initiative aims to serve as a model and a resource for institutions of higher education across the United States. The impact of the initiative is growing across the nation as new institutions and organizations adopt and adapt ETU resources to better address the specific tobacco-related challenges in their communities or campuses.

About Us

Member Benefits

  • Network with Texas-based and national experts in tobacco control
  • Access to quarterly webinars on timely topics
  • Attend the annual summit
  • Model policy guidance and templates
  • Communication resources and support

State Partner Benefits

  • All of the member benefits
  • Technical assistance from the ETU team
  • Helpful templates for assessment, budgets and evaluation
  • Tailored state initiative communication and branding

Ways to Get Involved

Get to Know Us

  • Sign up for our email list

  • Get information about available resources

  • Get information about quarterly webinars

Get Involved

Attend quarterly webinars to learn, share and network - ETU Quarterly Webinar July 2024

  • Attend the annual summit

  • Invite colleagues from your campus or organization to join too

Become a Member

Submit a success story about tobacco control action on your campus

Become a State Partner

  • Build three core elements for your state initiative: policy, prevention and cessation

  • Receive ongoing support and technical assistance

  • Engage engaging leadership to foster buy-in

  • Develop a communication strategy

  • Receive graphic design support

Student Stories from Around the Nation

Join Us

Complete the below form if you are interested in learning more about joining the ETU initiative.

Your Name
What level of involvement are you interested in?