Social Media Toolkit
Who is this toolkit for?
This toolkit is a resource for all institutions of higher education to utilize social media to increase their tobacco prevention and education efforts online. It was created with many types of users in mind, ranging from public health programmatic staff to marketing and communication specialists. These materials can be used as-is by a social media novice, copied and pasted directly into social media channels. While this toolkit was originally designed for UT System institutions, all content can be adapted or customized by other organizations and institutions through collaborative use. Please email to discuss use.
Translation & Adaptation
Translations are provided for the post content bank.
Social media posts should be accurate and honest. Include references or citations where appropriate. Errors should be corrected quickly and visibly. Your audience will be more forgiving of honest mistakes than surreptitious deletions.
Give appropriate credit to assets shared on social media, secure the necessary rights before sharing content and follow copyright and fair use laws to the letter. Please note that all visuals included in this toolkit are part of the ETU initiative. Images are in the public domain and may be used for your tobacco control communications efforts.
Smokers, non-smokers and any member of our communities deserve respect. Social media channels give users avenues to express negative feedback. Always show respect in posts and comments/responses, whether the person is supportive of your post content or not.
Use sympathetic, empowering language and be understanding. Nicotine dependence is a medical condition and most people try to quit many times. Use communication that is more of a “nudge” than a “nag,” and always approach from a position of support.
Choose quality over quantity and post content consistently. Enlist a team that’s willing to help you keep up with posting content and responding to comments and questions.
Like or follow other university-managed social media accounts – see resources tab for a listing. Share information and ideas among other accounts to help unify and strengthen your institution’s overall social media presence. Tag other accounts on relevant posts that their audience may find interesting or useful.
[Guidelines adapted from UT Austin University Communication Social Media Guidelines and UTSA Brand Identity Guide]
Consider using these initiative hashtags on your posts. This will help build a united online voice across UT System schools and beyond. Individual institutions may also have official hashtags you could include to garner more social media attention and interaction. For example, official hashtags of UT Austin are #UTAustin, #WhatStartsHere and #HookEm, and official hashtags of UT Dallas are #UTDallas, #Comets and #Whoosh.
You can evaluate your social media efforts to ensure your posts are reaching the intended audience and generating engagement. Facebook Analytics and X Analytics allow you to look at how well your post is performing and resonating with your followers. While likes are an important social media metric, the gold standard is to garner shares, re-tweets and comments. These are signs of true engagement with your messages and further reach into your audience’s social networks. These analytics can help you determine the type of post (cessation vs. policy, for example), time of day, and outlet that are optimal for your campus social media efforts.
The following pages contain suggested posts that can be used on your campus to promote the tobacco-free policy, encourage prevention and promote cessation resources. Undergraduate students were consulted to ensure resonance with a similar audience on your campus. These posts are meant to be easily customized or used as-is. We welcome you to adapt the content to fit the culture, tone of voice and seasonality of your specific campus. Images to accompany many of these posts are available for share and download in each content section.
The posts are organized by theme or topic area and are built to be used on X, Facebook and Instagram. Some of the images could also be adapted to other social media platforms such as Snapchat.
E-Cigarettes Content Bank
English | Spanish |
When you vape, you aren’t just inhaling vapor. Vape juice also contains addictive nicotine and other toxins! #EliminateTobacco and keep e-cigs out of your lungs. Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 [Source: FDA] | Cuando fumas cigarrillos electrónicos, no sólo estás inhalando el vapor. ¡El jugo de los cigarrillos electrónicos también contiene nicotina adictiva y otras toxinas! #EliminaTabaco y mantén los cigarrillos electrónicos fuera de tus pulmones. |
1 electronic cigarette pod = 20 cigarettes’ worth of nicotine. Healthy *insert mascot* #EliminateTobacco by keeping e-cigs off our campus! Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 [Source: Truth Initiative] | Pero 1 cápsula de cigarrillo electrónico = la nicotina de 20 cigarrillos. ¡Ayuda a *insert mascot* a #EliminarTabaco manteniendo los cigarrillos electrónicos fuera de nuestro campus! |
The CDC found that just one electronic cigarette pod is equal to TWO HUNDRED puffs on a traditional cigarette. That’s nearly a pack of cigarettes! Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 [Source: CDC] | El CDC encontró que una sóla cápsula de cigarrillo electrónico equivale a DOSCIENTAS bocanadas de un cigarrillo tradicional. ¡Eso es casi un paquete de cigarrillos! |
Hitting a e-cig just for the clout? It’s time to put you and your health first and keep electronic cigarettes out of your body! Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 #EliminateTobacco | ¿Usas cigarrillo electrónico sólo por la presión? ¡Es tiempo de ponerte a ti y a tu salud primero y mantener cigarrillos electrónicos fuera de tu cuerpo! |
Young adults who vape are more than 4 times as likely to begin smoking cigarettes within 18 months as their peers who do not vape, according to a study from the University of Pittsburgh Schools of Health Sciences. Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 | Los adultos jóvenes que fuman cigarrillos electrónicos tienen 4 veces más probabilidad de empezar a fumar cigarrillos en 18 meses que sus compañeros que no fuman, de acuerdo a un estudio de la University of Pittsburgh Schools of Health Sciences. |
Friendly reminder that vapes and e-cigs are not allowed on campus for students, faculty, and staff. It takes all of us to #EliminateTobacco from our campus! Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 | Recordatorio amistoso que no se permiten cigarrillos electrónicos en el campus para los estudiantes, los docentes y el personal. ¡Se necesita de todos nosotros para #EliminarTabaco de nuestro campus! |
Head to head, e-cigs may be less harmful than cigarettes, but less harmful doesn’t mean not harmful at all. E-cigs can contain harmful substances including nicotine, heavy metals like lead, volatile organic compounds, and cancer-causing agents. Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 [Source: CDC] | Uno junto a otro, es posible que los cigarrillos electrónicos sean menos dañinos que los cigarrillos tradicionales, pero menos dañino no significa que no hacen nada de daño. Los cigarrillos electrónicos pueden contener sustancias dañinas incluyendo nicotina, metales pesados, compuestos orgánicos volátiles y agentes causantes de cáncer. |
If you’re trying to #EliminateTobacco and quit smoking, know that we believe in you! Speak with a healthcare provider before moving to e-cigs to help you quit. They are not currently approved by the FDA as a quit smoking tool, and other options may be better for your needs. Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 | Si estás tratando de #EliminarTabaco y de dejar de fumar, ¡sabes que creemos en ti! Habla con un proveedor de atención de la salud antes de comenzar con los cigarrillos electrónicos para ayudarte a dejar de fumar. Los cigarrillos electrónicos no han sido aprobados por el FDA como un instrumento para dejar de fumar y otras opciones pueden ser mejores para tus necesidades. |
Think twice the next time you pick up your e-cig. Or, think 20 times, since there’s 20 cigarettes’ worth of nicotine in a single electronic cigarette pod. Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 | Piensa dos veces antes de agarrar tu cigarrillo electrónico. O, piensa 20 veces, ya que hay nicotina equivalente a 20 cigarrillos en una sola cápsula de cigarrillo electrónico. |
Your juice is juiced up. There’s as much nicotine in a single e-cig pod as there is in an entire pack of cigarettes. Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 | Tu jugo electrónico está lleno. Hay tanta nicotina en una sola cápsula de cigarrillos electrónicos como hay en un paquete completo de cigarrillos. |
Dropping your vape might help raise your GPA. Evidence shows that vaping can negatively impact your brain, particularly the parts of the brain responsible for memory, attention, and learning. We can’t guarantee a 4.0 if you #EliminateTobacco, but we can guarantee a healthier you! Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 | Deshacerse de tu cigarrillo electrónico puede ayudar a que aumente tu promedio de calificaciones. La evidencia muestra que fumar cigarrillos electrónicos puede afectar al celebro negativamente, especialmente las partes del celebro responsables de la memoria, la atención y el aprendizaje. No podemos garantizar un 4.0 si #EliminasTabaco pero podemos garantizarte una vida más saludable. |
The aerosol produced by electronic cigarettes and other vapes contains chemicals that are dangerous to people who inhale it secondhand. We need your help to #EliminateTobacco for the good of the entire *insert mascot* family. Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 | El aerosol producido por los cigarrillos electrónicos contienen químicos que son peligrosos para la gente que lo inhala de segundo mano. Necesitamos tu ayuda para #EliminarTabaco por el bien de toda la familia de *insert mascot* |
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One e-cig pod = 20 cigarettes worth of nicotine. Be a Healthy *insert mascot* and #EliminateTobacco by keeping e-cigs out of the classroom! [Source: Truth Initiative]
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Friendly reminder that vapes and e-cigs are not allowed on campus for students, faculty, and staff.
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E-cigs vs. regular cigs. E-cigs may be less harmful, but definitely not safe. They can contain harmful substances like nicotine, lead, and cancer-causing agents. [Source: CDC]
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Think twice the next time you pick up your e-cigarette. Or, think 20 times, since there’s 20 cigarettes’ worth of nicotine in a single e-cigarette pod.
School Specific Content Bank
Social Media Posts
English | Spanish |
Did you know tobacco use remains the #1 preventable cause of death/disease in the US? UT- *insert school* is proud to join the #EliminateTobacco movement by being a Tobacco-free Campus! [Source: CDC] | ¿Sabías que el consumo de tabaco sigue siendo la causa principal de muerte y enfermedad evitable en los EE. UU.? ¡*insert school* de UT está orgullosa de unirse al movimiento de #EliminateTobacco siendo un campus libre de tabaco! [Fuente: CDC] |
*insert mascot’s name* doesn’t smoke, so neither should you! One person dies every 6 seconds due to tobacco use. Be kind to your health and stay #TobaccoFree, just like *insert school name* [Source: ASH] | ¡*insert mascot’s name* no fuma, tampoco deberías! Una persona muere cada 6 segundos debido al uso del tabaco. Sé amable con tu salud y mantente #LibredeTabaco, igual que *insert school name* [Fuente: ASH] |
Welcome back, *insert mascot*! Let’s start the semester off right by keeping cigarettes, e-cigarettes, and vape pens out of your backpacks! #EliminateTobacco | ¡Bienvenido de nuevo, *insert mascot*! ¡Vamos a empezar este semestre bien manteniendo los cigarrillos y los cigarrillos electrónicos fuera de sus mochilas! #EliminateTobacco |
Live long, *insert mascot*! Quitting smoking adds years to your life. If you are quitting or thinking about quitting, our #TobaccoFree campus is here to support you. | ¡Vive una vida larga, *insert mascot*! Dejar de fumar añade años a tu vida. Si estás dejando o pensando en dejar de fumar, nuestro campus #LibredeTabaco está aquí para apoyarte. |
According to the CDC, 57.4% of Texans who smoke quit smoking for at least one day each year. The University of Texas *insert school* is proud to foster a tobacco-free environment for our students, staff, and guests. *insert your school’s slogan* #EliminateTobacco [Source: CDC] | Según el CDC, 57.4% de Texans que fuman dejan de fumar por lo menos por un día cada año. *insert school* de The University of Texas está orgullosa de fomentar un ambiente libre de tabaco para nuestros estudiantes, el personal y los invitados. *insert school’s slogan* #EliminateTobacco [Fuente: CDC] |
Each day about 2,300 young people in the US try their first cigarette. UT *insert school* is proud to stand up against these numbers by being a tobacco-free campus! #EliminateTobacco [Source: CDC] | Cada día casi 2,300 jóvenes en los EE. UU. prueban su primer cigarrillo. ¡*Insert school* de UT está orgullosa de hacer frente a estos números siendo un campus libre de tabaco! #EliminateTobacco [Fuente: CDC] |
*insert mascot* look out for each other. If you see someone using a tobacco product on campus, politely let them know about our #TobaccoFree campus policy and point them to | Los *insert mascot* se cuidan mutuamente. Si ves a alguien usando un producto derivado del tabaco dentro del campus, infórmale cortésmente sobre nuestros reglamentos en el campus #LibredeTabaco y envíale a |
Fewer Texans use tobacco products than the national average. Let’s keep up the good work, *insert mascot*, and #EliminateTobacco! | Menos Texans usan productos derivados del tabaco que el promedio nacional. ¡Sigamos con el buen trabajo, *insert mascot* y #EliminaTabaco! |
Next time you’re out on campus, take a deep breath and practice mindfulness by noting 3 things about your surroundings. One of them could be the lack of tobacco smoke as you breathe in, since we’re a #TobaccoFree campus! | La próxima vez que estés en el campus, respira profundamente y haz conciencia plena por notar 3 cosas sobre tu entorno. ¡Unas de ellas podría ser la falta de humo de tabaco al respirar, puesto que somos un campus libre de tabaco! |
Graphics for Download
Health Effects Content Bank
Social Media Posts
English | Spanish |
Smoking causes immediate damage to your body. Learn about many of the possible health consequences of smoking featured in CDC’s national tobacco education campaign, Tips From Former Smokers. [LINK:] | Fumar causa daño inmediato a tu cuerpo. Aprende sobre muchas de las posibles consecuencias para la salud por fumar destacadas en la campaña de educación del CDC, Consejos de exfumadores. [Enlace:] |
Hesitate before buying your next pack, so you won’t hesitate before your next photo op. Smoking can cause gum disease, discoloration of teeth, and oral cancer. Save your smile, #EliminateTobacco on and off campus! [Source: CDC] | Piensa antes de comprar tu próximo paquete para que no dudes antes de tu próxima foto. Fumar puede causar enfermedad periodontal, descoloración de los dientes y cáncer oral. Mantén tu sonrisa, ¡#EliminaTabaco dentro y fuera del campus! [Fuente: CDC] |
Picking a new profile pic? Smoking means your pearly whites won’t be so pearly anymore. #EliminateTobacco to keep your profile and your smile fresh. | ¿Escogiendo una nueva foto de perfil? Fumar significa los dientes blancos y nacarados ya no serán tan blancos. #EliminaTabaco para mantener tu perfil y tu sonrisa fresca. |
Smoking causes damage to your taste buds. Glorious queso might be less glorious if you smoke. Don’t miss out on cheesy goodness, #EliminateTobacco! | Fumar causa daño a las papilas gustativas. El glorioso queso fundido podría ser menos glorioso si fumas. ¡No te pierdas la exquisitez del queso fundido, #EliminaTabaco! |
Secondhand smoke has the same harmful chemicals that smokers inhale firsthand. UT- *insert school* is proud to create healthier spaces for everyone by being #TobaccoFree | El humo de segunda mano contiene los mismos químicos nocivos que los fumadores inhalan de primera mano. *insert school* de UT está orgullosa de crear espacios sanos para todos siendo #LibredeTabaco |
Ever heard of “Thirdhand smoke”? Research has proven that the residue of smoking can be absorbed through skin, ingested and inhaled! Keep in mind that smoking can affect you AND others around you. Let’s keep our campus healthy, clean and safe by continuing to #EliminateTobacco [Source: Washington Post] | ¿Has oído del “humo de tercera mano”? ¡Investigaciones han demostrado que el residuo de fumar puede absorberse a través de la piel, ingerirse e inhalarse! Ten en cuenta que fumar puede afectarte a ti Y a los que te rodean. Mantengamos nuestro campus saludable, limpio y seguro continuando con la eliminación de tabaco [Fuente: Washington Post] |
Smoking accelerates aging, with smokers looking 1.4 years older than nonsmokers, on average. In this case, age ≠ wisdom. #EliminateTobacco | Fumar acelera el envejecimiento, en promedio, los fumadores aparecen 1.4 años mayores que los no fumadores. En este caso, la edad ≠ la sabiduría. #EliminateTobacco |
Can you spot the smoker? This study of twins – one a smoker, and the other a non-smoker – shows that smoking accelerates aging and wrinkles. [LINK: health/smoking-really-does-make-you-look-older-twin-studyconfirms-8C11488197] | ¿Puedes encontrar al fumador? Este estudio de gemelos –uno fumador y el otro no fumador—muestra que fumar acelera el envejecimiento y las arrugas. [Enlace: health/smoking-really-does-make-you-look-older-twin-studyconfirms-8C11488197] |
A sociologist working for Tinder and Bumble found that people who smile in their pictures get more matches. Smoking can cause gum disease and discolor your teeth. #EliminateTobacco to improve your profile! | Un sociólogo que trabaja para Tinder y Bumble encontró que la gente que sonríe en sus fotos recibe más conexiones. Fumar puede causar enfermedad periodontal y descoloración de los dientes. ¡#EliminaTabaco para mejorar tu perfil! |
Studies on dating apps have shown that smokers are less likely to get matches than non-smokers, even with other smokers. Your Tinder bio might be strong, but it could be stronger if you #EliminateTobacco! | Los estudios acerca de las aplicaciones para citas han mostrado que es menos probable que los fumadores reciban tantas conexiones como los no fumadores, incluso con otros fumadores. Tu perfil de Tinder puede ser eficaz, ¡pero podría ser más eficaz si #EliminarasTabaco! |
Your Insta Story disappears after 24 hours, but the harmful effects of smoking don’t. Be kind to your body by helping us #EliminateTobacco | Tu historia de Insta desaparece después de 24 horas, pero los efectos dañinos de fumar no desaparecen. Sé amable con tu cuerpo ayudándonos a #EliminarTabaco |
The chemicals in cigarettes and vapes are very harmful to your body, but your lungs begin to heal within weeks of quitting. It’s never too late to #EliminateTobacco and improve your health. | Los químicos en los cigarrillos y los cigarrillos electrónicos son muy dañinos para tu cuerpo, pero los pulmones empiezan a sanar a las pocas semanas de dejar de fumar. Nunca es demasiado tarde para #EliminarTabaco y mejorar tu salud. |
Smoking doesn’t just impact your lungs. Smoking increases your blood pressure as well as your heart rate, putting strain on your heart. Good news: your body starts recovering the moment you decide not to have that next cigarette. #EliminateTobacco | Fumar no sólo afecta los pulmones. Fumar también aumenta la presión arterial y la frecuencia cardiaca, ejerciendo presión al corazón. Buenas noticias: tu cuerpo comienza a recuperarse en el momento en que decides no tener ese próximo cigarrillo. #EliminateTobacco |
Graphics For Download
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The chemicals in cigarettes and vapes are very harmful to your body, but your lungs begin to heal within weeks of quitting. It’s never too late to quit and improve your health.
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Smoking causes immediate damage to your body. Learn about many of the possible health consequences of smoking featured in CDC’s national tobacco education campaign, Tips From Former Smokers. [LINK: tobacco/campaign/tips/index.html]
Educational Content Bank
Social Media Posts
English | Spanish |
Approximately 28,000 adults die of a smoking-attributable illness annually in Texas, which is more than the total deaths from AIDS, car accidents, and murder. Join our movement now and #EliminateTobacco. [Source: CDC 2016 BRFSS] | Aproximadamente 28,000 adultos mueren de una enfermedad asociada con fumar anualmente en Texas, lo cual es más que el total de las muertes de SIDA, accidentes automovilísticos y asesinatos. Únete a nuestro movimiento ahora y #EliminaTabaco. [Fuente: CDC 2016 BRFSS] |
Buying a pack of cigarettes everyday means you spend about $2,100 yearly on cigarettes. Save thousands of dollars and stay a healthy *insert mascot* by being #TobaccoFree! [Source: ACS] | Comprar un paquete de cigarrillos electrónicos todos los días significa que gastas casi $2,100 anualmente en cigarrillos. ¡Ahorra miles de dólares y mantente un *insert mascot* sano siendo #LibredeTabaco! [Fuente: ACS] |
The average smoker spends around $177 a week on cigarettes! Tell us what you would do with an extra $177 a week. #EliminateTobacco [Source:] | ¡El fumador promedio gasta casi $177 semanales en cigarrillos! Dinos lo que harías con $177 extra cada semana. #EliminateTobacco [Fuente:] |
Time’s ticking! Did you know that people who smoke 1 pack a day spend 720 hours a year on smoke breaks? Go #TobaccoFree so you can spend that time on something nice for your body like meditation or a walk![Source: ACS] | ¡El tiempo pasa! ¿Sabías que la gente que fuma 1 paquete diario pasa 720 horas anuales en descansos para fumar? ¡Permanece #LibredeTabaco para que puedas pasar ese tiempo en algo provechoso para tu cuerpo como meditación o un paseo! [Fuente: ACS] |
Urea, the main chemical in urine, is added to cigarettes for “flavoring”. Let’s be healthy *insert mascot* by letting toxins stay out of our bodies! #EliminateTobacco [Source: CDC] | La urea, el principal químico en la orina, se le agrega a los cigarrillos para darles “sabor.” ¡Seamos *insert mascot* saludables dejando las toxinas fuera de nuestros cuerpos! #EliminateTobacco [Fuente: CDC] |
What stinks??? Smoking dulls your sense of smell. Don’t get caught unable to tell that your stinky Birkenstocks are, well… stinky! | ¡Qué apesta? Fumar disminuye tu sentido del olfato. No te dejes atrapar incapaz de decir si tus Birkenstocks apestosos están, ¡pues…apestosos! |
Smoking is a leading cause of home fire deaths. Going #TobaccoFree isn’t just about your physical health. [Source: FEMA] | Fumar es una de las principales causas de muerte por incendios en el hogar. Comprométete a una vida #LibredeTabaco no se trata solo de tu salud física. [Fuente: FEMA] |
Smoking is a known cause of erectile dysfunction. Don’t let smoking interfere with your life, #EliminateTobacco. | Fumar es una causa conocida de la disfunción eréctil. No dejes que fumar interfiera con tu vida, #EliminaTabaco. |
Each year, medical care for adults with complications from smoking costs the US almost $170 million, conditions that are otherwise preventable. #EliminateTobacco | Cada año, la atención médica para adultos con complicaciones por fumar le cuesta a los EE. UU. $170 millones, afecciones que de otro modo son prevenibles. #EliminateTobacco |
On average, non-smokers live 10 years longer than their peers who smoke. What would you do with an extra 10 years? #EliminateTobacco | En promedio, los no fumadores viven 10 años más que sus compañeros que fuman. ¿Qué harías con 10 años extra? #EliminateTobacco |
If your evening plans include hitting the local hookah lounge, keep in mind that while smoking hookah, you are exposed to even more carbon monoxide and smoke than are in regular cigarettes. Do your body a favor, stay a healthy *insert mascot* and #EliminateTobacco Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 [Source: CDC] | Si tus planes de la noche incluyen ir a la sala local de hookah, ten en cuenta que mientras fumas hookah, estás expuesto a aún más monóxido de carbono y humo que en los cigarrillos tradicionales. Haz tu cuerpo un favor, mantente un *insert mascot* saludable y #EliminaTabaco Texto VAPEFREETX to 88709 [Fuente: CDC] |
One hour of hookah is equal to 100 cigarettes, per the World Health Organization. Don’t get hooked on hookah! Join the #EliminateTobacco movement today by keeping hookah and hookah pens off campus and out of your lungs! Text VAPEFREETX to 88709 #EliminateTobacco | Una hora de hookah equivale a 100 cigarrillos, de acuerdo a la Organización Mundial de la Salud. ¡No te quedes enganchado con la hookah! ¡Únete al movimiento de #EliminateTobacco hoy manteniendo hookah y los bolígrafos de hookah fuera del campus y fuera de tus pulmones! |
Graphics for Download
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Did you know? The average smoker spends around $177 a WEEK on cigarettes? Let’s start SAVING those big bucks by eliminating #Tobacco on and off campus! [Source:]
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On average, non-smokers live 10 years longer than their peers who smoke. What would you do with an extra 10 years?
Seasonal Content Bank
Social Media Posts
English | Spanish |
School’s finally out! Let’s all remember to stay safe and be #TobaccoFree this summer! | ¡Las clases al fin terminaron! ¡Recordemos estar seguros y ser #LibredeTabaco este verano! |
Summer classes are right around the corner! Don’t forget that The University of Texas *insert school* is a tobacco-free campus year-round. Let’s continue to keep our campus a #TobaccoFree environment by eliminating tobacco on and off campus! | ¡Las clases de verano pronto comenzarán! No te olvides que *insert school* de The University of Texas es un campus libre de tabaco todo el año. ¡Continuemos manteniendo nuestro campus en un ambiente #LibredeTabaco eliminando el tabaco dentro y fuera del campus! |
Happy New Year to all our *insert mascot*! Let’s start off 2024 right by keeping cigarettes, e-cigs, and vapes out of our bodies. Be kind to yourself and make the most out of this upcoming year by being #TobaccoFree. #EliminateTobacco | ¡Feliz Año Nuevo a todos nuestros *insert mascot*! Empecemos nuestro 2024 con éxito manteniendo los cigarrillos y los cigarrillos electrónicos fuera de nuestros cuerpos. Sé amable contigo mismo y aprovecha al máximo de este año siendo #LibredeTabaco. #EliminateTobacco |
Mark your calendars! Eliminate Tobacco Use Day is Nov 21, 2024. Encourage someone you know to use the date to make a plan to quit, or take the step yourself and be #TobaccoFree! | ¡Marca tus calendarios! El día de eliminar tabaco es el 21 de noviembre de 2024. ¡Anima a alguien que conozcas a usar la fecha para planear dejar de fumar o da el paso tú mismo y sé #LibredeTabaco! |
Happy Tobacco Awareness Month! The month of November is dedicated to helping students, faculty and staff quit smoking! Here’s eight tips for how to be #TobaccoFree: [Source:] | ¡Feliz mes de la concientización del tabaco! ¡El mes de noviembre se dedica a ayudar a los estudiantes, los docentes y el personal a dejar de fumar! Aquí hay ocho consejos sobre cómo ser #LibredeTabaco: [Fuente:] |
We’d like to extend a heartfelt congratulations to all of the *insert mascot* who are graduating. You did it! Just because you’re leaving campus, doesn’t mean your role in helping #EliminateTobacco are over. We wish you the best in all that’s to come, and hope you stay #TobaccoFree! | Nos gustaría extender nuestras más sinceras felicitaciones a todos los *insert mascot* que se están graduando. ¡Lo lograron! El hecho que ya no estén en el campus no significa que su papel en ayudar a #EliminarTabaco haya terminado. ¡Les deseamos lo mejor en todo lo que vendrá y esperamos que se queden #LibredeTabaco! |
Have a happy and healthy spring break, *insert mascot*. We hope you find time over the next week to take care of yourself, including by staying #TobaccoFree over the break! | Que tengan unas felices y saludables vacaciones de primera, *insert mascot*. Esperamos que encuentren tiempo durante la próxima semana para cuidarse, ¡incluso manteniéndose #LibredeTabaco durante el descanso! |
Welcome back to campus, *insert mascot*! Friendly reminder that as part of our effort to #EliminateTobacco, we’re a #TobaccoFree campus. Start the new semester off on a positive note, and leave your tobacco products behind! | Bienvenido de nuevo al campus, *insert mascot*! Un recordatorio amigable que como parte de nuestro esfuerzo a #EliminarTabaco, somos un campus #LibredeTabaco. ¡Empiecen el nuevo semestre con una nota positiva y dejen atrás sus productos derivados del tabaco! |
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Today’s the big day! The Great American Smokeout is happening all day today. Encourage someone you know to quit smoking, or take charge in your own life by quitting! #EliminateTobacco #GASO
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Happy New Year to all our *insert mascot*! Let’s start off 2024 right by keeping cigarettes, e-cigs, and vapes OUT of our bodies. Be kind to yourself and make the most out of this upcoming year by being #TobaccoFree. #EliminateTobacco
Cessation Content Bank
Social Media Posts
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This time, try something different. Texas’ QuitLine can help you become an expert in living #TobaccoFree. Call 1-877-YES QUIT or visit for more information. | Esta vez, prueba algo diferente. La línea de ayuda de Texas puede ayudarte a hacerse un experto en vivir #LibredeTabaco. Llama a 1-855-DÉJELO-YA o visita a para más información. |
Cold turkey isn’t the only option, and it’s okay to need help quitting. Learn how to supercharge your quit attempt with nicotine substitutes or medications. Nicotine replacement therapy can also help. Ask your doctor or pharmacist for more information. Your insurance may even cover the cost! #EliminateTobacco | Dejarlo de golpe no es la única opción, y está bien si necesitas ayuda para dejar de fumar. Aprende a multiplicar tu intento de dejar de fumar con sustitutos de la nicotina o medicamentos. La terapia de reemplazo de nicotina puede ayudarte también. Pide a tu médico o farmacéutico más información. ¡Tu seguro puede incluso cubrir el costo! #EliminateTobacco |
Hey, *school mascot*, need help letting cigarettes go? We’ve got help right here on campus. *insert link to school specific cessation resources* | Oye, *insert mascot*, ¿necesitas ayuda para dejar los cigarrillos? Tenemos ayuda aquí en el campus. *insert link to school specific cessation resources* |
It takes most smokers multiple attempts to quit. KEEP TRYING, you can do this! Check out the FDA’s Every Try Counts campaign for more info and help with quitting: | La mayoría de los fumadores necesitan varios intentos para dejar de fumar. SIGUE INTENTANDO, ¡puedes hacerlo! Visita la campaña del FDA de “Every Try Counts” para más información y ayuda para dejar de fumar: |
*insert heart emoji* your heart! Smoking greatly increases your risk of heart disease and heart attack. That risk drops by half just a year after quitting, so show yourself some love and #EliminateTobacco! | *insert heart emoji* tu corazón! Fumar aumenta enormemente tu riesgo de enfermedad cardiaca y ataque del corazón. Ese riesgo se reduce a la mitad sólo en un año de dejar de fumar, ¡así que muéstrate un poco de amor y #EliminaTabaco! |
Each day about 2,300 young people in the US try their first cigarette. UT *insert school* is proud to stand up against these numbers by being a tobacco-free campus! #EliminateTobacco [Source: CDC] | Cada día casi 2,300 jóvenes en los EE. UU. prueban su primer cigarrillo. ¡*Insert school* de UT está orgullosa de hacer frente a estos números siendo un campus libre de tabaco! #EliminateTobacco [Fuente: CDC] |
If you’re thinking about quitting smoking, you’re not alone. Over half of adult smokers report wanting to quit. It’s a difficult process, but we’re here to help you #EliminateTobacco. *link to school resources* | Si estás pensando en dejar de fumar, no estás solo. Más de la mitad de los adultos fumadores dicen que quieren dejar de fumar. Es un proceso difícil, pero estamos aquí para ayudarte a #EliminarTabaco. *link to school resources* |
We know that quitting smoking isn’t as simple as just deciding to quit. Smoking has mental and physical aspects, and it is important to attend to both while quitting. Be kind to yourself, quitting is a process. We’ve got resources for you at *link to school resources* | Sabemos que dejar de fumar no es tan simple como decidir dejar de fumar. Fumar tiene aspectos mentales y físicos y es importante atender a ambos al dejar de fumar. Sé amable contigo mismo, dejar de fumar es un proceso. Tenemos recursos para ti a *link to school resources* |
Graphics for Download
Post Text:
This time, try something different. Texas’ 1-877-YES-QUIT can help you become an expert in living tobacco-free.
Tobacco-Related Observances
Consider creating posts related to health observances. Even health awareness months and days that aren’t explicitly about tobacco cessation could be tied back to your tobacco-free campus efforts.
Great American Spit Out, World Cancer Day (February 4), American Heart Month
World No Tobacco Day (May 31), American Stroke Month, Mental Health Month
Primary hashtag: #EliminateTobacco
Additional hashtags: #TobaccoFree #TobaccoFreeCampus #TobaccoFreeCommunity
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